Union of BC Indian Chiefs spokesperson Chief Stewart Philip stated : "In a stunningly stupid move, the province has effectively declared war on all B.C. First Nations and jeopardized all LNG discussions throughout the entire province of B.C."
1953 Coronation Oath : "... All customs and traditions shall be respected ... in justice and mercy ... so help me God "
First Nations consultation is a continued dilemma for commerce and trade in Canada - as well as for Crown government policy makers.
The Fort Nelson First Nations forum on LNG exploitation is a prime example of a loss of respect / siem'stum for the government-to-government criteria that exists in Canada west coast - and, throughout all territories north of the 49th parallel.
Global Free Prior  AMBASSADOR : FPIC TERMS GUIDE  Informed Consent
ETC 2 3 4 5 as related to the void Hudson's Bay Company Charter Fitzgerald Examinations : 1613 : Plantagon

Come In : Nuw'ilum : Tth'ihwum 'i' hwts'e'nutsum Please Sit Down
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